28 Days – 50 Minutes – Strength + Cardio

If you have a TRX or have been considering buying one – this is the program for you! The TRX Suspension Trainer is one of the most versatile pieces of exercise equipment available, and in this program I put it through all its paces. The program cycles between upper body, lower body, core and total body strength training with the addition of some cardio segments as well as one sculpting workout. Most of the workouts are 50 minutes long, but I’ve sprinkled in three 30-minute sessions: two at the beginning to get you prepared, and another for a short break on day 12.

Equipment required: TRX Suspension Trainer, Dumbbells, Stability Ball, Mini-Band, Tubing, Wrist/Ankle Weights (optional), Light Dumbbells (optional)

Course Curriculum

Start Next Lesson 30 min Strength: Upper Body #31 with TRX Suspension Trainer, Stability Ball and Dumbbells
Day 14: Halfway There Total Body Cardio/Strength