Intro Challenge

14 Days – 30 Minutes – Strength, Stamina & Stability:

Try out all our different 30-minute workout types with this 14-day intro series requiring minimal equipment. We use only dumbbells in the first week and then add inexpensive mini-bands in the second week (which will by then have arrived from amazon). We also introduce workout stacking here : adding on our warm-up and cool-down on day 2, (which you can always come back to daily), and stacking a mini-mobility-flow workout with myofascial release on day 14. Note that you’ll need a foam roller to do this best.

Equipment Required: Dumbbells, Mini-Band, Foam Roller. Optional – Light Dumbbells, Wrist/Ankle Weights. See equipment descriptions and links to purchase Dave’s Faves here.

Course Curriculum

Start Next Lesson 30 min Cardio #21
Day 1: Stamina with warm up and cool down
Day 3: Strength – Lower Body focus
Day 5: Stamina with a Beat
Day 7: Strength – Core focus
Day 8: Stability – Yoga inspired
Day 11: Stamina